Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr and Hungry F

Why Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN?
  • It has the most number of shells. It dosen't take much energy to remove an electron.
 Why Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE?
  • He has only one shell with two protons in the nucleus that takes alot of energy to remove electrons.
 Why Noble Gases don't have EN values?

  • Noble gases have a full valence shell and have no tendency to gain electrons.
Why Fluorine has the highest EN
  • That means fluorine has only nine electrons flying around in orbitals while iodine has 53 of them. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Phosphorus is element #15

1. Phosphorus can be named into different languages such as:
Italian- Fosforo
Slovenian- Fosforja
Latvian- Fosfors
Irish- Fosfar
2.My Image Of being Pure:

Red Phosphorus[both top & bottom]
White Phosphorus

3. Phosophorus has 15 protons as well as 16 neutrons in the nuclues of thee only stable isotope.the mass of 32P has a half life of 14.3 days which is normally used in a laboratory; primarily for the production of DNA & RNA.probe.There is also a huge use of 32P in applications of medicene.It is used in tracer studies where it is injected, and gives off radioactive substance where it is traced by detectors. Also there is a mass of 33P which has a half life of 25.4 days whom also are used in laboratories for the sequence of DNA.There are 18 isotopes whose half-lives are known but the mass numbers are 26 to 43 only 31P is stable. The average/standard atomic mass for phosphorus is 30.973762(2)u.

4.There are 15 electrons in the neutral aton of phosphorus.There is also 2,8, and 5 shells for phorphorus.The amount of shells of electrons depend entirely on what the charge is.For example if there are 15, then its 15 more electrons than protons.

5.Phosphorus has the atomic radius of 100pm which is equal to 1 angstrom. In meters it is 1 to the power of negative 10.

6.Phosphorus is a huge essential to the living systems,where found in nervous tissue, bones, and cell protoplasm. When the element is pure it is colourless and transparent. The ordinary phosphorus is soft white waxy solid;whom also is white(yellow), red, and black(violet).Being heated by its own vapor, it is converted to the red variety.

7.The price of 99% pure phosphorus powder is 43.90 euro for 500grams. By 1050 parts per million by wieght, 730 parts by million moles is the abundance in the earths crust && in our universe.

8.There are literally tons of millions if anything hundreds of billion of chemical compounds known to humans.To name a few there is in Oxide:P4O10,P4O6 Hybrides:PH3,P2H4, and Chlorides:PCl3,P2Cl4.

9. Discoverer: Hennig Brand
    How:tested in urine

Hennig Brand

10. My jobs: Phosphorus is part of firworks,and in the labratories for the DNA and RNA.
11.???: Phosphorus was founded in pee.Also took buckets and buckets of pee to analyze and test.

Friday, August 27, 2010

this is chemistry

To whom it may concern,
              Welcome to my blog space for chemistry650.Chemistry has many diverse aspects on life in general.The concept of learning chemistry is vital in the science world.Chemistry has alot to do with matter,chemicals,and lab experiments. To which many safety precaustions are taken. While handling the different types of chemicals and acids; people do get hurt. Many people tend to think that they will be the one to get hurt or burned ext. There are many risks and chances that anything can happen.Those who do get hurt suffer.Anywho chemistry is alot of fun if used/learned the correct way.Enjoyin life with a perspective of chemistry is thinking outside the box.